Harley Owners Group #1665 / Antelope Valley CA Chapter / Ridgecrest Activity Group

Dinner Ride to Rossi's Restaurant
Big Pine, CA
May 28, 2005

Posted: 13 June 2005
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Our dinner destination! Rossi's Restaurant, Big Pine, CA
Meet at Inyokern Chevron
Now here's one strong marriage...with colors that clash like this!!!!
One of Tommie's last rides as a single woman!
Anyone want to talk brakes? ;)
Oh yeah...the desert is such a desolate place! (NOT) ;)
Judy found the wine cellar!
Now...there's a "come-on" if I ever saw one!!!!!
Stan...the money collector!
And he even got the hug and kiss for passing our tip to our waitress!
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