Harley Owners Group #1665 / Antelope Valley CA Chapter / Ridgecrest Activity Group

 HOG WASH Spring 2008
for Charities
19 April 2008

Posted: 5 May 2008, 10:30 PM

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Many thanks to Char and Bruce for once again
graciously providing their R/C Blvd-C/Lake Blvd
property and water
for our spring RAG HOG charity car wash!

I believe Tommie and Clint brought the donuts...
Anne selling Bobby's RAG HOG Patches at cost!
...I see a donut!
...and another donut!
Crystal's Paul...assuming his "working" position!
Looks like exercise period at the penitentiary!
All's at the ready!
...but more donuts!
Paul's Crystal and her cute energetic daughter...Tiffany (brown pants)...
and her friend Jessica!
...and more donuts!
Tiffany and Jessica's shoes...who needs shoes?
I recognize those rings...reaching into my britches!
Crystal's tats...
I told you Tiffany and Jessica were energetic...
here's proof!
Judy loves flowers...
wherever she can find them!

You've got to be S**ting me!
Debbie washing a truck with one hand and...
eating a donut with the other?
Talk about multi-tasking!

Anne and Bobby bring Subways for everyone!
Hey...get your butts over here and help John amd me!
Who me? Yes...you!
That's more like it! ;)
Michael rides his new Heritage Softail to be washed!
A bike from Tommy T's to be washed!
Passers-by view of Debbie shilling for our RAG HOG WASH!
Looking really good...and nobody works harder!
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